
Showing posts from September, 2017

Computer parts project journal health career

         Health career The speech therapist is where you help a person to help how to talk good and read good cause some of them are born with not good talker good. So for Occurrence therapist is people with brain damage to do with a cat scan to see your brain. Also for Dietitian is where to help people what to do everything in life like eating, driving, writing, and even more to do and help people in life.

Six Attitudes

                        The Six Attitudes of High Achievers 1. Make no small plans So what this means is that always make the smart plans never make any some plans make bigger plans. Show your idea to everyone make other people get some ideas from you make sure people will know you as the person with the big plan and idea. Make people know you as the person with all the great ideas be you share whats in your head and also be know as the smart kid with your ideas. Also I have a quote that is says "leave your marks in this world", what it means to me that let people know you what you have done. So that what I think about have no  small plan make them big for you can achieve something in life don't leave this world without doing something. So that what it means to me so what does it means to you.            2. Do what they fear So what this me is no fear is don't be scared of anyt...

College school

The college is that am going or want to go is UCLA and is at Los Angeles its not that far where I live so I will go. UC requirements and the UCLA  Freshman Review Process . Freshman ap plicants must meet these to be eligible for UCLA or any other University of California campus. Statistics on the average GPA and  test scores  of admitted freshmen, and the  freshman applicant pool  overall for the Requirement.                       ESTIMATED COSTS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-18. *In addition, the Nonresident Supplemental Tuition is  $26,682 , bringing the total estimated cost for non-CA residents to  $60,729 . Is also location at Los Angles and its not to far where I live so I will like to go there. And i also heard its a great school to your dream and make them good.


     The 9-11 post So the moment when 9-11 happen in New York city in the United States of America is when we got attack from with some people we don't like. Also we were all in pain and we lost alots of living people and some family and that was when the United States of America we came to their place and went to come and kill there leader because they kill part of the U.S so we needed to get them back real hard.