Six Attitudes

                        The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

1. Make no small plans

So what this means is that always make the smart plans never make any some plans make bigger plans. Show your idea to everyone make other people get some ideas from you make sure people will know you as the person with the big plan and idea. Make people know you as the person with all the great ideas be you share whats in your head and also be know as the smart kid with your ideas. Also I have a quote that is says "leave your marks in this world", what it means to me that let people know

you what you have done. So that what I think about have no  small plan make them big for you can achieve something in life don't leave this world without doing something. So that what it means to me so what does it means to you. 


2. Do what they fear

So what this me is no fear is don't be scared of anything and never let any fear bring you down. Also what this means that being you is happy and trying to be another person is fear so fear is everywhere and that can not stop you. You are not to show fear to nothing, fear is need to be fear of you. That's my little quote of the day is never be fear let it be fear of you, so what am trying to say all of love and all of me is don't let people tell you to be fear you be a fear of them and just be happy and funny and let people love you what you are and be sad or angry but don't let that fear you just be you as the There may be a good reason.same person. So fear is nothing to be it fear is something to me so just be a CTR student for not being a fear kid be happy and cool and nothing will happen to you and also being that person is really being cool and chill like a person will love each other and that's I wanna be like a CTR person cause that's me is that you to. Also being that person is cool is what I think everybody like to be is it you to please tell me how you feel about cause I will really want to know about that how about that if that is you that am just saying it to not be fear cause you are fear you are not to show show that happy face and no fear face so say no to fear.

3. Are willing to prepare

So what it means by willing to prepare. It means to me that never be that person that never does his job right also doing what he needs to do like always do your homework, and classwork. So what it also means that being prepare is when you do your work that you are supposed to do that a CTR student and it just means don't be lazy do your work. Also if you are prepare people look at that and see if they know they should choose you to be that the prepare student I means that what I will do to be that prepare student I will love to do that will you so that I will be that cool kid to be a prepare kid and people will love me and that's why I will love to do that and that what I think do you and choose the right.

4. Are willing to risk failure

So what this means by willing a failure is that everyone needs to take a failure in their life. Because we all try to do something and accomplish a goal and what happen they fail. And that's okay to you and everyone cause we all make that mistake and it's good that you made it for later on you will learn it and next time you will fix it and not make it again. It's okay to make it and yes I know you will feel dumb or scared so it's okay we will go to it together and it will feel really good. So it's really good to be on it and people will make and think that you are kid that will never give up on anything and will help you on it and that will be cool to be me and I think it will me later on in the future, it you like it be you just be in a positive mood and don't look sad and just tell yourself be a positive man and also be thankful to your parents and many mores so that really good for you for your health and people will think wow this kid is not shy and he's always happy I think I will go hang out with him and a cool thing about that.

5. Teachable 

So what this means by being a teachable person is that always be kind and help people out on there work and also to let people know that you can help people by always being there for them and they know that you will not give up on them and so that what I think that means for me what's your.

6. Have a heart

So having a heart means a lot of thing like to be kind and help other people even if you don't know them. Having a great heart also means that to love people be nice to them be a CTR student and never be afraid to help people its really a great thing to do and that's also a CTR student. Also having a heart is when being kind to me and everyone and other people will thank you for it and they will love to hang out with you. Also the great heart can be spread around and we will all have it and we will all learn how to use it and that's really powerful for me. And to end this having a heart is always be positive and get that big smile face of you and share it so that's what this stands for me and that's all I know for me so for this.


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