Ten tips

                      Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.                                                       Tip Reflects:                                                                                                                                     The Ten tips of truthful and learning how to be kind and letting other people know that how being the Truth Master and helping one person and the other person to be kind always work to be truth and truth is what everybody need to have and being a truth is because showing people that they could trust you and how getting the truth out is good, like the tip that am mostly am is treat yourself when you tell the truth why because when the truth comes out from my mouth I let people know that I always speak the truth and telling the truth make me feel good bout myself and I just really want to know that I did something good is which telling the truth so what I just need to say is always choose the right and always tell the truth.


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