The 10 Qualities of a total Winner

                         The 10 Qualities of a total Winner 

Quality 1: Positive Self-Expectancy 

"Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True Winner go into every event expecting to win ." So what this means is that winner never gives up and they always try there very best to complete the game or a event that they have to win so what winners do is that they make them self to have all that good positive vibes around because for people could make them fell good about them self and it gives them a jump into their system to make them feel stronger and for they could make them fell like wow I did it and I won this match by people around me making me feel really good about my self. Like look let me give you an example is that when am about to play a soccer match what I do is I watch some high lights about my favorite soccer player Messi and what I do is that I watch what he does with the ball like how he could dribble and run really fast with the ball and it makes me wanna be good because like one day I could be the next famous soccer player and have all that fame and how will I do that is being a winner and not giving up and not to cheat.

Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation

"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill." So what this mean is having a  person or in your head that keeps you positive and motivation also in yourselves that little thing in your head will make you and keep you and to make that goal to be accomplishment to you and to everybody like let me give in an example is that if you wanna lose weight and look good with your body but you are always to lazy and just eat junk food and not even going to the gym what will you need is somebody or maybe watch a video that will make you to keep on going and to chase your goal and dream like my goal right now is to lose weight like I stop eating junk food and start hitting the gym and no more soda I all just drink is water and water when am hungry I eat like a good amount of food and water and when am too lazy I motivation me I watch tell my self is like school you go in and out and say trust me I will not regret it I will be happy and have great body to make me look good feel good and to buy stuff that I look good in also. 

Quality 3: Positive Self-Image 

"True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable humans being." So what this means is that always be you your self is really good because knowing how positive you are and letting people know that who you are and how fun or funny you are and how you are a man that never gives up and fight till you get to the top and be you and keep on fighting for your dreams and being positive and letting your friends and your family and the people who don't even knows you can help you to fight and to let them know how powerful you are and you are not a person who let people bring you down that for those people who don'y know you will not bring you down to that first place step and to take you right back on top where people are going to know you that you are the number one to stay on top to be fight that fight will always fight.

Quality 4: Positive Self-Direction

You gotta have have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influence like parents or friends. So this mean that going where you wanna go so all about where your heart wants to  go where you think that I got this I will make it big and make my life to a change being the person who I always wanted to be chasing my dreams you following your passion and making the world come to you and make your dream come to a reality and make other people know being for real your dream of what you wanna do can come to you by really doing hard work you putting time into it you actually loving it and the most important part is you having fun doing and if u get stress and not having but you still like it you my sir is too work that world will be all around the world and that word means to never give up and doing it you will get all that hard work back and trust me you will happy.

Quality 5: Positive Self-Control

Total Winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. So what this mean is to control yourself and for an example if u wanna lose weight and you know that you are in a diet and you can't drink soda and eat a lot of junk food well you know what you will need to have is some self control and to let people know that you can control your body and control what you eat and what you do in live and how nobody else beside you can control you.. you be you and don't let nobody tell you what to do in your life is your life you do what you wanna achieve and fight to get on the top and to get that big win that you will always get in life.

Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline

So doing what you wanna do is all about you... you wondering what goal or what life you wanna live and being able to have fun without nobody telling what to do and having or being able to control your self is really important why because to letting other people know that you don't let bad people to make you or tell you what you wanna do in your life and live your own and being happy what you wanna be you not acting like other you being like you and to make sure the world know that I am me so who are you and having that Discipline to be you that's why you are in that body to be you to act like your self and everybody in this world has there own so just use your own body to learn how other people will know who you are that you are not give up type of person you area fighter and a winner winner. So all I got to say is basically be you and being your self who can change the world.

Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem

So being you is what really what is important and to help one another is to always be proud and to let other people know that you are the man who love to add your self together and to combine what you need say and letting other know that you is what you are and being active is a strong thing what you want to your self in order to let people know that win or lose to a option in this world you wanting to have those nice car big house you will have work really hard to have it and to let people know what kind of living human you are you don't give up you are the man who can do anything to make you and your family proud of being you what you got it takes to get there and letting other people know being you who you are in the body you are is what god and your parents add you into it to have a good life and to be who you are so what are you a person who just gives up or a person who don't gives up well am a person who fights for my destiny.

Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension

So what this means is that being a winner is not always all the time and learning to help each other to give one another the only way to keep those time to keep on running to keep each other on the top is that not only being you not only thinking about you is to make sure everybody get to the top and if they are lazy and just wanna copy help them out but if that chance doesn't work out just leave them and let them follow where they are going to go and let them be a CTW while you are being a CTR student and fighting yo reach your goal is important because it will let you know that being the top is we all wanna be and we will all get there if we all chose the right and help each other so remember be a kind person and follow the rules.

Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness

Trying and doing it is really easy why because doing all these type of things that wants you to complete and not letting anybody telling you what to do and you just doing it is really easy so what am just trying to say is that at least trying it will not hurt you or nobody because for an example you are playing in a soccer game and am a lefty for kicking a soccer ball and am in a position where I can only kick with my right so the best thing to do is at least try to kick it with my right and guess what I try it with my weak foot which was the right and I try and i score a goal with my weak foot and all for just trying so trying never hurts just do it and trust me trying is the best part so be glade you try and didn't give up so be you and just do it. So never give up and try it will never hurt to try just do it and just do it.

Quality 10: Positive Action

So what this means is that being positive and knowing yourself  that you will never put people down and helping them to success in life also is really important because it will show them how positive you are and for them and it will make you success by helping someone that actually need the help so that's why you will be positive to them and later on the future they will do the same back and its a time where I gotta be a man who will help other people because am going to be leaving high school in year and am be one of the greatest person a live to show everybody how a CTR person I am. So this is the last one am post and its been a while and am prove to everyone that am make and how am do that is by being a positive action and this class was really fun and it made me to get my stuff together and make in life so thank you.


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