The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People

                        The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

Habit 1: Be Proactive

"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, " I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I'am in the driver seat of my destiny, not just a passenger.

1. Be Proactive

So what this means by Be Proactive is that also be in a good mood never stay negative always be Proactive be happy lets have energy and do what we need to do. Also by being Proactive is like good, honor and complete some goals of your and always help people to jump and never give up and to always be in a good mood because if you are you complete your goals and will not be lazy and finish stuff that you really want to do. So what I do is never be down I always stay up and help other people going up and be strong and never let fear hit us and push us down because all of fear so always be Proactive by helping your community, family, and friends that's what I will do to be and always stay Proactive so say no to negative be a positive person and just help and trust me it will be great really great to be proactive in your life and others. So be a proactive person is a good thing to be and to help.

2. Begin with the End in Mind

So what it means that always think first what you do in the life you are on and to always keep on never give up and lets people know that you are to keep End in Mind and let other people know that you are a positive man and wont let people tell you what to do and always be you and trust me everything will be easy for you and to everyone and don't let that stop you to be yourself and that will be easy to do so easy just be a CTR student and nothing bad will happen to you so choose the right and everything will be all right. So just be yourself and chill and end in mind and it will be great and to thanks all of each other for the End in Mind and it will be the greatest of them all and people will love them and It can know to be the greatest of the Begin with the End in Mind so why I really loves this quote because and to keep the community in a better place and to keep safe and learn how to help around the world and it will be great to do that and to love everybody in a equal right.

3. Put First Things First

So what it means is that always put first thing first by for an example put family first then money or put them first by your cellphone. So what it also means that put the important stuff first and care about it and always think about it and its always better to have it first and to complete it and to be on it. For another example is that choose homework or video games so the right thing to choose is homework because its really more important then video games to put the important stuff first and always let always put the first important stuff first like the number one is family and why because they love you and you should love them back because they care for you so always choose the right put your family first.

4. Think Win-Win

So what it means is that always think positive and never think losing always be proud and be bump up and let people know that you are here to win and you will never give up and no is never an answer to you win-win is always the right chose to make and if you are an CTR student win will happen to you and the first thing to do is don't let people take you down you take yourself up and Win is my thing whats your thing to do that and always be a CTR student and you will always win and never give up

5. Seek First to Understand, then to be understood

So what it means that you will need to listen first to Understand and also to understood. So what it is saying that you will need to let people to tell you what to do before you do stuff so let me give you an example lets just say you are doing a math test but the teacher is going to explain it to you but you will need to listen to understand and understood it. So what am saying listen before you do stuff and ask for stuff. So just make sure you understand before anything like a test or just you and lets life takes you where ever you go. So just go outside and be kind to each other and listen before you act and listen.

6. Synergize

So what it means that have a team or a teamwork and work together and don't lets each other down be with each other and team will win together. It's like almost like a soccer team they work together and they play work with each other and that's how they win and score a goal because they work together and so that's how it all work out and so just be a team work and be with each other and everything will be all right and to be all that will take time to work because it's not easy just do it and try your best and to work and be positive and never be down always be up and to work you will never have this bad work out so just be you and never let others people but you down so be strong army strong so work hard and be you and keep on pushing to your goal and so all I just got to say is be strong and don't let people tell you what to do. So the last thing I need to say is be strong and be your self.

7. Sharpen the Saw

So what it means is that always be in it and always be in the place you need to be in never give up always be in it and for an example do your work and pass high school and study and you will sharpen the saw by did what you did and accomplish what you needed to do so what am trying to say is to never give up and do what you need to do you do your stuff and let other people do their part of life but if they need help you can help them and show how a nice person you are but remember ton sharpen your saw everyday and never give up and always choose the right 247 all day and night hare work pays off so homework do it and it doesn't matter if it's 12 am night time just do it. And to win what you wanna do hard work is the answer so other famous people how they got what they wanna be in is called hard work pays off so just do it and never give up on your dreams  and so don't give up that's it all I got to say. So just don't give up on life control yourself and do it and Sharpen the saw to accomplish your goals and your dreams for your life to make in life and to so just saying never give up on Sharpen the saw.


So we finish the 7 habits I think it was cool about it was reading and learning about different stuff of being kind and showing hard work and how not to give up and be kind and to help other people. And to always to remember  to be kind and let other people know that how strong you are and not to let people down so just don't give up and let your dreams take you where you wanna go and let your dream take you and be humble and just do it and see what will your dream and be nice and nice thing will happen to you. And also have some good vibes in you and at you and never be down and never be and let people tell what to do and be a positive man and never give what's inside you so what to do with your goal is fly and follow what you wanna.


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